Beloved, today’s devotion is a continuation on the topic, “Everyone Prays!” In 1 Thessalonians 5:17 word of God says, “Pray without ceasing.”
Prayer is the greatest common denominator among all the great biblical characters and thousands of strong believers throughout history. Moses prayed. Abraham prayed. King David, Solomon, Esther, Deborah, Daniel, Joseph, all the prophets —and, of course, Jesus Christ Himself—had profound commitments to lives of prayer. The biblical record shows the direct impact of their prayers on the circumstances and situations they faced. The evidence affirms one undeniable fact. That is, no matter what you may think about prayer, somehow it works.
Today, may we answer this all-important question: “How did man get to pray to God?” The eternal fact remains that man's journey to praying to God has deep roots in the history of human spirituality as revealed in the Bible.