
Spending time studying the Word of God shapes us to be more like Jesus and know Him more.

Here are some Devotional studies to help you!

Know your Bible

This broadcast focuses on the unique doctrines that highlights the great doctrines of the Bible couched in simple illustrations and brings to light the design of God throughout the ages/dispensations. It is a program that has as its aim the eradication of biblical illiteracy that is often the bane of casual believers, and it also fact checks the often tossed-out modern prophetic submissions.

Counselling Corner

This is a call-in program that offers counselling to distressed individuals and it is designed to give hope and build competences in handling life’s vagaries. A professional counsellor handles the calls and adds value to the listeners’ lives.

Power for the Day

This broadcast has as its main focus the words of God from Genesis to Revelation that supplies daily power for the Christian. One of the biblical sources for getting power is the exploration of the promises of God in the Bible.  This broadcast also aims at biblical counselling for setting free of those with adjustment problems with the life-giving words of Christ (John 6.63)

Morning Moments of Inspiration

Morning Moments of Inspiration is a devotional broadcast designed to help listeners start their day on the right foot, with a heart full of gratitude and a spirit of hope. The broadcast will provide early morning words of encouragement, stories of hope, and insights from the word of God, all aimed at enriching the listener’s  life and guiding him on his spiritual path.

Prayer Request

This is a call-in program where callers submit their concerns and prayer requests that the presenter will handle.  Callers are asked to submit their written requests if there is a challenge getting through with phone calls.

Let the Bible Speak

LTBS is a broadcast that presents the truth of the word of God in its context and speaks up against all abuses of the word of God and all sharp practices in Christian religion. The Bible is presented as the authority in life and Christian religion and the New Testament highlighted as the constitution of Christianity.


This is a call-in broadcast that focuses on helping parents acquire, develop and improve on the skills of parenting and understand all that occur from the birth of new babies to the challenge of adolescents. The principles gleaned from the Bible will be the framework that this broadcast offers. Callers are encouraged to discuss challenges with their kids with the hope of getting biblical principles that pertain to solving their challenges.

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